Our Christian Community
Inspire a love of learning and enjoy 'life in all its fullness', ensuring that everyone can flourish and be the best that they can be. John 10:10
Our Church
We are very proud to have strong links with our local church of St Andrew's. Rev'd Dan Henderson is the vicar at St Andrew's and hold a weekly Service in school.
Click here to visit the church website
Donate A Day
We are very proud to work alongside a range of charities to raise awareness of and support their causes. Our first Break Out day, (or week, in this case), took place at the beginning of April 2022, where the children "broke out" of the usual curriculum, and took part in a very special project called 'Donate a Day'.
Each year group matched up with a local charity: the children learned all about their linked charity's important work through assemblies and workshops, and they then 'gave back' in a number of ways.
Clink on the link to find out more about this great event.